18 November 2011

On puppy dogs

They're really God's greatest creation. They're the perfect cuddle-buddy after a long day of procrastinating on paper writing, and they are always ready to greet you with a big furry hug and a wet kiss (although the latter seems to be especially prevalent after a nice, long slurp from the toilet bowl). Their soft big eyes are known to easily manipulate even the hardest of hearts into throwing the ball just one last time, and the wagging tail ensures that you know they love you, often when the only thing you've done is look somewhat meaningfully in their direction.

And just like black bears are the best bears, doodles are the best dogs.

Especially when they've got cartoonishly large noses.  :o)


  1. You left out two of your favorite doodles, however. They would be offended, but I won't tell them.

  2. Are you sure pandas aren't the best bears? Or koalas?
