12 February 2012

Eleven Questions

So friend Aubrey tagged me in a blog post. I'm supposed to tag another 11 people, but I just want to answer the questions.

1-What is your favorite thing to bake or cook?

Chocolate chip cookies. Mine are perfect. Every time. (You can ask Aubrey if you don't believe me). When I was in Madrid, though, these salted fudge brownies were my favorite recipe, since I could get all the ingredients (brown sugar was hard to come by, so I went without chocolate chip cookies for a year. Oh the humanity!)

2-What was the last book you read and loved?

Well, The Fountainhead and The Pillars of the Earth are my all-time favorite books, and it's really hard to compare all others to them, but I was pleasantly surprised by Los Pazos de Ulloa, by Emilia Pardo Bazán, and I'm really enjoying its (slightly incestuous) sequel, La madre naturaleza.  So...those?

3-What are the words you live by?

The words I would like to live by (not sure I actually do) are in this wonderful quote by Plato: "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle". Wise man, that one. 

4-What do you order at Starbucks (or other coffee shop)?

Not coffee. Yurgh. Probably a chai tea latte, unless it's the summer and then I will order a lemonade. 

5-What is your favorite sport and team?

K-State Football. Although the Spanish side of me is pulling for the Spanish National Fútbol Team. Hello Iker!

6-What was your first concert?

Probably Garth Brooks. I probably fell asleep. It tends to happen. 

7-What is your favorite place you have ever been?

Madrid. Clearly. Although my favorite has to be my awesome trip to Vietnam and Laos to visit friend Liz (really any trip I've taken with Liz. They tend to be awesome). 

8-Do you love or hate your middle name?

Love it. It was my grandmother's name, and I've always loved that special connection I have with her through our names.

9-Why did you start blogging?

To write about adventures! But then I realized that the more adventures I had, the less time there was to blog about them. 

10-What is your favorite movie to watch over and over?

Oooh. That's a toughie. The Princess Bride and Stardust. And I've recently discovered that nothing can beat Pedro Almodóvar's Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios for hijinks and shenanigans. 

11-What is your most expensive piece of clothing? (shoes count!)

Idk. Does jewelry count? because if so, then it would be that. Otherwise, probably a pair of Cece suede ballet flats from JCrew (Black). They're the only shoes I've worn for the past month, and I'm planning on purchasing another pair as soon as I gather together the dinero. They're the best ballet flats EVER!

06 February 2012

Dear Chris Mann:

Your amazing performance on "The Voice" last night has currently left me procrastinating like whoa. It doesn't help that the internets make it soooo easy!

I went back and listened to some of your old stuff (you know all of those singles that you released while you were still in Nashville and New York trying to land a contract), and they just can't compare to the loveliness that was your performance last night. I'm so glad that you finally have the opportunity to showcase your voice for what it really is to such a HUGE audience (and that you're being recognized for your pure awesomeness).

(I always knew you would go far, and my 13-year-old self is currently telling my 25-year-old self that I was totally justified to have had the biggest crush on you and to have based my predictions of your future success solely on that!)

I know it's been a tough road, but all your hard work is paying off. So congrats Chris Mann! ITC Represent!