21 September 2016

More Mercados

My roommate, C, would really love Michael Pollan. She's convinced that Monsanto is ruining the world, and she avoids buying food and produce at major supermarkets. The fridge is always full of veggies, though, and she regularly eats fish and chicken. So where does she buy her food?

The local mercado.

I talked about the cool hipster-ish Mercado de Vallehermoso last week, when I went with my friends to enjoy the Sunday restaurants. But the market itself wasn't really open on Sunday--there were no fish vendors, nor fruit and veggie peddlers, nor carnicerĂ­as. The market where C shops is similar, but WAY larger, and with fewer restaurants.

Market shopping is a bit challenging for me. It requires a lot of thought to figure out what I want to eat over the course of a week, how I'm going to prepare it, when, etc... But C showed me that I can ask the vendors for just one stalk of celery (YOU CAN DO THAT?!?!?!?) so you don't have to take a whole bunch and then deal with all that nasty vegetable floss.

So I'm going to try to do most of my shopping at our local market (Michael Pollan and Alice Waters would be proud). 

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