14 April 2010


In my first post, I mentioned a letter project. For my New Year's Resolution for 2010, I decided to write a letter per week to a person of my acquaintance: friend, relative, teacher, family friend, whoever (whomever?). I'm calling it The Great Letter Project of 2010, and I have it all planned out in Excel and everything.

The goal is 52 letters to 52 different people over the course of the year. So far, I've stuck to the project like glue (maybe even written a few extra letters), and I've really enjoyed it. Writing letters in this age of email, twitter, texting and IM is just so different, and I have greatly enjoyed the reactions of the people to whom I write.

What I've discovered is that writing a letter doesn't actually take very long (half the time it takes me longer to find a person's address than it does to write the letter), and I enjoy it far more than writing an email or a text. I also really like getting letters back (or even emails and phone calls), which reminds me that the best way to keep in touch with people is to reach out yourself.

And...I've learned a great way to keep a New Year's Resolution, which is to resolve to do something once per week (as opposed to a resolution which requires daily attention). It's far easier to have 7 days to accomplish a task than to only have 24 hours.

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