12 April 2010


DNortonLand is a very beautiful place, full of smiles and sunshine and lots of butterflies (maybe a few daffodils). Or it's a place where I speak six languages. Or have a library full of a thousand books. Or even, when I was a child, it was totally a place where the characters from my favorite books came alive.

Basically, like any child with a pretty active imagination, I grew up knowing how to occupy myself and how to get lost in the vast crevices of my mind. Still do. In college, some friends noticed that I wouldn't always be completely focused on conversations happening right in front of me (sometimes even about me), so they named my daydreams "DNortonLand."

And I promised them that if/when I started a blog, I would call it just that.


  1. Maybe people would understand all of this a little better if you explained to them what a "Creativity Room" is and how instrumental that aspect of your childhood was to the evolution of DNortonLand.

  2. hmmm. the creativity room was important, but so were all of the hours that I spent waiting for mom to finish up at work. Do you know how awesome office supplies are to a child with an overactive imagination? Paper becomes airplanes which you can race down the hallway, paperclips become people to pilot the airplanes...I blame DNortonLand on all the time I had to fill.
