17 May 2010

The Best Laid Plans...

Due to the increasing violence/protests in Bangkok/the rest of Thailand, we have just decided to skip that country altogether, and we're spending the rest of our time in Laos!

We went to the Plain of Jars this past weekend, which was absolutely beautiful and very interesting. It's a bunch of giant stone jar-shaped monoliths just chillin' in a field. They're about 2000 years old, and no one really knows why they are there, although some speculate that they are funerary urns. Or, as the local legend tells it, they are flasks for storing rice wine for giants. I think that I prefer the latter explanation.

We're flying to Vientiane, the capital of Laos tomorrow, and then we're going to see what's up.


  1. Sorry to hear about Thailand. I think it's probably a wise move, but definitely a bummer. I guess that just means you'll have to go back sometime!

  2. I am glad you are skipping Thailand...after the gun battle in Bangkok, I was getting worried about you!
