Vietnam is apparently full of pagodas. So far, I have only seen one, but it was pretty cool. Lots of incense, which actually made it smell really nice, as opposed to musky, like incense normally smells. And all the smoke from the incense had blackened all the statues. And the statues were over 10 feet tall and really scary-looking, like this guy:
And, there was a turtle pond outside, with at least a hundred turtles. There was only one ramp out of the pond where the turtles could rest and bask in the sun and it was chock-full o' turtles.
Just looking at this picture makes me think of Dr. Seuss..."On the far away island of Salamasond, Yertle the Turtle was king of the pond. A nice little pond, it was clean, it was neat. The water was warm. There was plenty to eat. The turtles had everything turtles might need, and they were all happy, quite happy indeed. They were, until Yertle, the king of them all, decided the kingdom he ruled was too small. "I'm King!" said Yertle, "Of all that I see, but I can't see enough, that's the trouble with me." I would write more, but that's all I can remember off the top of my head, and y'all know what happens.
I am impressed that you remembered that much of it! It sounds like you are enjoying yourself!