06 September 2010

SE-GO-VIA! (Part II)

The alcazar (castle) in Segovia is super pretty.  People say that Walt Disney based Cinderella Castle in Disney World on it, although I'm fairly positive that he probably based it on a combination of about 20 different castles from Europe, of which this is only one. 

It's located on a high cliff between two rivers (perfect strategic location), so there's probably been a castle here from the beginning of time, but this specific one dates from the reign of Ferdinand and Isabel in the late 1400s -early 1500s.

Isabel was kind of a baller. Since she was the Queen of Castile, she entered her marriage with Ferdinand with a lot of power, and she made sure that he knew that. They may have been the King and Queen of Spain, but he was never the King of Castile, and when she died, he had to leave the region. You know, since he no longer had any power there. Her death had the potential to break up Spain.

Normally, queen's thrones are slightly smaller than their male counterparts, but Isabel made sure that their thrones were the exact same height...to reflect their equal power...because she was awesome.

And here are some more pretty pictures of the outside, because I think it is pretty:

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