17 September 2010

Where I Live

I live in Argüelles (Yeah--Spanish has those little doohickey accent things too), which is a neighborhood on the west-ish side of Madrid. It's a pretty family-ish neighborhood (I live right between two schools), and the people who live in Argüelles have basically lived there their whole life (Case-in-point, apparently Julio Iglesias, father of Enrique, lives right up the street, if I understand correctly from my señora).

It's still pretty central, but it's about as far away as you can get from the center and still have a (relatively) short metro ride.

Speaking of the metro, I absolutely love it. It's clean, it's fast, many of the lines have relatively new and spiffy trains that are really really pretty. And some people would say that it is a drawback that it closes at 1:30, but not me. It just forces me to get home and get to bed, which is always a good thing.

Here is my room:

This is my room in its 'dirty' state. That's right--This is my room before I picked it up. Take a good hard look at that level of neatness, because I'm hoping it's here to stay. I'm fairly positive that after this year in Spain, the days of me just tossing my stuff willy-nilly about my room will be gone for good. (or they'll come back with a vengeance. I'd say it's split 50-50).

This is my desk:

Again, this is my desk in its 'dirty' state. And this is normally what I would call clean! Maybe a little disorganized, but it's a temporary mess! Not like the permanent piles of paper that are stacked on my desk back home.

I really like the view out of my window. It's always nice to see some green in a super-crowded city.

And of course, the only bad (or good, depending on your viewpoint) aspect of my room is that it overlooks the street, which makes it really noisy. Especially since on that street are two bars (Madrid, Madrid and La Cubanismisa--you can see their signs right next to each other above) with people coming in and out all night long.

I should know, because I hear them all night long.


  1. 1. Good to see that Macpowerbook.
    2. I also feel like I live in a room that size.

  2. The problem, surprisingly, is not the size. It's actually quite spacious for a Spanish apartment. Every other time I've lived in Spain, I've had a smaller room. The real problem is the noisy street with the bars. Call me on Skype sometime and you'll see.

  3. i don't understand how you can go from a state of dnortonland chaotic room to this...HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!?! p.s. i love lamp, for real

  4. Does this mean I can throw out the piles of paper on your desk at home?
