05 October 2010


A few weeks ago, a friend pointed me to this site, and while I sometimes think that I am maybe a little neurotic (I think it is impossible to go through life without finding some crazy neurosis within oneself), spending a few minutes on Iamneurotic.com made me realize that I could be a whole lot worse.

Although, now that I think about it, watching all of those episodes of Monk should have done the same.

I have, though, noticed a few neuroses that have cropped up in Madrid that are, I think, quite peculiar to my living situation here. Funnily enough, most of them have to do with transportation. I'm not sure why I find that funny. I just do.

  • Whenever I have to be anywhere by a certain time, I leave my house ridiculously early. For instance, Friday I arrived over 45 minutes early to the special research library where we had a class. I know that it is customary to be perpetually late here, but apparently that won't ever be a problem with me. 
    • Correction: that is often the problem with me, but for some reason, being in Spain makes me super-paranoid about not being late...maybe because I'm not Spanish, so I don't have an excuse?
  • When I exit the subway station directly behind another person and the little glass doors stay open, I either have to wait until the little glass doors close and then exit myself, or I have to rush through them, praying that I make it out in time. I'm terrified that they will shut on me and slice me in half if I walk through them at a normal speed while I am following someone, since they will have had to stay open for 2 people. 
  • I always have to have my keys in my hand when I shut the door to my apartment. Otherwise I panic, thinking that I will lock myself out.
    • This is actually quite useful.


  1. Sounds like common sense to me . . . well, two of the three. Don't know what to think about the doors slicing you in half :)

  2. I love the part about arriving everywhere early since stateside you are perpetually late (and I don't mean 5 minutes, I mean 15-20...)
