12 January 2011

NYR #43: Go to the Natural Science Museum

This one was supposed to be "Start a snowball fight with a stranger", but seeing as how it's about 60º and sunny here, that one probs won't happen. Also, I really don't want to throw a snowball at a stranger here. They'll probably start yelling at me, and then I'll forget my Spanish and just splutter around in tears and it would just be ugly.

So I'll stick with the rocks and the taxidermied animals (of which there are quite a few) in the lovely building that is the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales.

It shares its building with a school of something (exactly what, I am not sure, and although the facade says "Escuela de Ingenieros Industriales", that may have changed). This means that in order to see all of the museum, you have to enter through one wing of the building, exit out the same door and walk around to the other wing of the building to see all the cool dinosaur skeletons, fossils, and the exhibit on evolution.

In the wing we entered first, there are a lot of animals. All dead and stuffed, with their glassy eyes just staring at you. Lots of dead bugs and birds...in a variety of vibrant colors...like these awesome butterflies on the homepage of the museum. It was kind of creepy, especially the "almacén de aves y mamíferos" basically a large round room with a whole bunch of glass shelves absolutely stuffed with the corpses of every flying or furry animal you can think of (except for maybe a platypus...don't recall seeing that, but that doesn't mean it isn't there).

However, not all of the museum was creepy, the part with the dinosaurs was really cool. Especially because they have taken some kind of video technology and with a television and some crazy pieces of board, they have created an exhibit where you can hold a virtual dinosaur in your hand. There's something about these boards that, when held at the right angle (while watching the television screen of course), allows for the image of a dinosaur to appear on the TV. And the dinosaur images even move!!! Mine kept eating the grass and wagging his tail in happiness!

So yeah...Natural Science Museums. Sometimes creepy, generally interesting (even for a non-science geek like myself), and always worth a visit.

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