15 September 2016

On Spirit Animals

One day (a while ago), I asked M2 what his spirit animal was. He just laughed and paused before blurting out, "probably a cheetah". That makes sense for him. He runs pretty fast, and they're quite majestic creatures. Also, he's pretty much a cat in a lot of ways, so his spirit animal should be one too.

The problem with asking someone about who their spirit animal is is that then they turn the question on you. And that's especially a problem when you haven't really thought about it for yourself. I love otters

But they're not exactly my spirit animal, no matter how adorable and fierce they are. (Also, look at that cute otter right there! Just look at him!!)

So it took me a few days to think of one, really think of an animal whose spirit encapsulates all the qualities I see in myself (which is really a silly game, but it's fun to play, so whatever).

And then I watched this speech by Elizabeth Gilbert, and I realized that it had been sitting (or rather, humming) in front of me all along. My spirit animal is clearly a hummingbird: small and fierce, with loads of energy. It also happens to be animal that has graced this blog's background from the beginning.

My spirit animal just happens to be an "obese bee in need of a nose job", according to John Oliver, and that is fine by me.

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