19 October 2016

Pardon the Hiatus

I hadn't intended on taking such a prolonged break from blogging. I've been alternately blogging daily and writing a lot of posts at once (when I find myself particularly inspired) and scheduling them to appear at later dates.

This past week and a half though, I've stepped away from the computer. Didn't open it for 10 days. Any posts that have appeared were scheduled previously, and those that didn't just hadn't been written.

You see, 10 days ago, Marrived for a glorious and fun-filled vacation. We hit up all the tourist hot spots in Madrid (including San Gines for some churros), and then took a road trip through Andalusia. I wasn't going to lose a precious second with him in order to write, so I took a complete break and focused on enjoying my vacation and my love.

I had all sorts of grand plans about scheduling 10 days worth of posts before Marrived in Madrid, and they just didn't happen. I had a few ideas about some self-care posts (I got a deep tissue massage a few Fridays ago and it was brutal and heavenly at the same time--I'll write about it later), and some more about life in Madrid and writing and this crazy election and academia and balancing reading/writing/editing/researching/thinking.

So the blog took a break while I took a break, and now I'm back in full force and I will share a picture of churros.

(We ate a LOT of churros on this vacation. I will tell you about them in a later post).

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