20 October 2016

M-squared in Madrid

 This post is going to be mildly sappy, in that all of the photos are quite couple-y selfies.

M2  likes to travel a lot, and he's very skilled at navigating jet lag. His trick is to get caffeine, get out in the sunshine, and force his biological clock to catch up. And so when Marrived in Madrid, we hit up all the tourist hot spots in the center of the city. That's us above standing on Kilometro 0, the stone marking the center of Spain's highway system.

And this is us in Plaza Mayor, Madrid's town square and tourist center. 

We toured the palace and had some difficulty finding a way to take a selfie without getting absolutely blinded by the late afternoon sun. 

 And we had a short dinner in the Plaza de Oriente, overlooking the Palace and its gardens.

And we walked up to the Temple de Debod to watch the sunset before heading home and putting him to bed around 9 (which is insanely early by Spain standards, but just about perfect for navigating jet lag). 

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