08 October 2016

The Rose Princess (Part II)

And so, the rose princess went about making a cozy home in her new book palace. She had enough pollen biscuits to last her a week, but she very quickly ran out of rose-hip tea, and she didn't have enough dew to make more. Every morning, just as the sun was peeking over her new paper home, she would rise and climb over to the large mesa. She made a rope out of a bit of cobweb that she had found lying in the corner of her new home, and she used it as a way to navigate all the steep cliffs surrounding her.

On one of her outings, she came across a deep metal chasm and spout-with what looked like the world's smallest, slowest waterfall dripping out. She quickly learned to bring along her small canteen and fill it up whenever she passed by. The water did not taste nearly as lovely as rose-hip tea, but it was better than nothing.

On long evenings, she would observe the passel of children running around the house at top volume. When she could no longer handle their screams, she would burrow into her new book home and ponder the strange hieroglyphics that covered its walls. And as the days turned into weeks the nostalgia for her rose-home faded and she found herself loving her new home with her new routine. She missed her bee friends, but the spider who made the cobwebs was very nice.

In all, though her house no longer smelled of roses, it had that peppery-cinnamon smell that characterized old books and was equally as comforting. 

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