20 November 2016


Last weekend, I went to Valladolid to visit my friends S & V. I met S & V last fall in Austin, when S was doing research for her dissertation on bilingual education. It was nice to spend some time with some truly lovely friends and remember that there are good, kind people all over the world.

That last little bit is something that I've definitely been thinking about a lot over the course of this past week. My FaceBook feed (and texts with friends and phone calls back home) have been filled with anecdotes of hatred (and some actual hatred directed at me), and that is hard to deal with. So being in Valladolid with friends helped remind me that (in the words of another friend): "people are still kind and good people still want to help others". 

I got there on Saturday afternoon and we went out for pintxos and a walk around the center of the city. Some of S's friends met up with us and we all chatted about home-ownership in Spain (I didn't have much to add to the conversation, other than a few references to the Alex de la Iglesia film, La comunidad). 

S & V live in a really nice part of the city--close to the Cathedral, the University, and the major tapas streets. Here's a few photos of us out and about!

At a fascinating exhibit of African masks and costumes at the University of Valladolid (I think). 

Out for tapas with the award-winning TigreTostón tapa. 

With S at a coffeeshop, where we stopped to eat a zapatilla (a tiny shoe, literally translated, but really a frosted bit of shortbread). 

With V on the staircase at the Museo de Escultura. 

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