28 June 2018

On feeling

After all of the horrible news last week about families being forcibly separated at the border, I know there are tears in me. And for some reason, they're not coming out. Well, one did while I meditated this morning, but for the most part, I'm stuck.

A good rule of thumb for understanding crying as emotional release is that it often cannot happen until some semblance of safety is reached. A kid lost in the mall might not cry until AFTER she's been reunited with her mother (obviously, a sense of safety is relative, and if the sensation is overwhelming, tears happen whether we feel safe or not, as we see with the wails of the children in the camp).

I know I need to cry about this (and probably some other things), so I'm contemplating bringing the tears out by force. I've already applied to volunteer at the border if needed, and I'm getting my application together to volunteer at a local center for victims of torture. Neither of these opportunities may pan out, though, which is why I'm also thinking that I may try to visit a movie theater in the next few weeks to catch the new documentary Won't You Be My Neighbor? 

I'll need an entire box of Kleenex because I will be a blubbering mess. I'm already a blubbering mess, and that trailer is less than two and a half minutes long!

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