12 September 2016

About DNortonLand Nicknames

In case you haven't noticed, I tend to refer to people in my life by one letter. Usually it's the letter that their name starts with, but sometimes I nickname the person and go from there.

Like Marathon Man (MM). I really wanted to call him Iron Man (or IM) because the man is as solid and stable as iron. Also, because he has completed a half IronMan, but mostly because of the stability. He's just solid and dependable. But since he hasn't actually completed a full IronMan yet (and since his plans to complete one this fall got postponed), he wouldn't let me call him that.

So I called him MM in one post. My friend A pointed out that that is exactly how the Pioneer Woman refers to her husband, and I really don't want to be accused of violating any sort of copyright (although I don't think she has copyrighted that particular two-letter nickname, who knows?).

So we started talking about how I could adjust the name to make it even more accurate. I thought maybe 2M (because there are two M's), and then she suggested M2, as in M squared (which really just brings out his engineering side even more), which made me wonder if I could actually type a super-scripted numeral into Blogger. I can't do it directly in Blogger, but it seems that if I type in Word and copy/paste, then it works. So from here on out, MM is M2

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