23 October 2016

On Self-Care: Texture Quilts

That blanket that I talked about on Friday is specially made just for me.

About 2 years ago, my aunt and I were talking about textures. I had made a bag of "feels": satin ribbons, a make-up brush, some hematite Greek worry beads, some cuticle serum, and a few other things. Keeping these and other fidgets on hand is my go-to strategy for soothing my nervous system. The satin ribbons are my faves--I use them as bookmarks and keep several rolled up in the pockets of different jackets.

My aunt told me about some projects that her quilting group was doing--making texture quilts for Alzheimer patients. Texture quilts (or fidget, fiddle, or touch quilts) contain fabrics of various textures (Satin, velvet, corduroy, etc...), pockets, zippers, buttons. For Alzheimers patients and others with dementia, tactile stimulation helps to improve short-term and long-term memory, general mood and psychological well-being.

So Auntie K put two and two together and decided to make me a texture quilt with some of my favorite textures and colors.

It has satin, lace, embroidery, a soft and fuzzy backing, and a velour pocket with some hematite worry beads.

She even hand-quilted the spirals that run along two sides!

There's so much wonderful texture that makes me so happy!! Plus the quilt is made with love!!

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